Hayden Panettiere is only 18, but she has been working for 17 years! Hayden grew up in New youk, USA. Her first job was in an advertisement for a toy train when she was just 11 months old.
As a child, Hayden also played in two TV soap operas before starting a successful film career. She has often had sporty roles, and the first played a cheerleader in the 2006 film Bring I On. All or Nothing.
After making films, Hayden was not planning to be a TV actress again, but when she saw the script of Heroes, she couldn-t resist. She loved the idea of having superpowers. The series was such a great combination of everything. It-s about powers, but it-s also a human story, she says.
At the beginning of the second season of Heroes, Claires family has moved to California, USA. Her father tells her to blend in and be ordinary. Claire meets a boy called West. At first she doesn-t realize it, but West has special powers too... Hayden is excited about the second season of Heroes. Claire has really evolved. She just really grew up. She learned to stand on her own and stick up for herself. She is matured and I hope that she will continue to do that.
Hayden loves doing stunts, and she loves the gory part of being Claire. I was really happy when I heard that my character was going to be involved in stunts... and fire, says Hayden. clare is constantly getting killed in very interesting, unique ways, and what-s mor fun than that_ Hmm, how am I going to die today_
Your three older sisters are all blonde, with blue eyes.
I was the ugly duckling. They used to call me prieta fea (the dark ugly one) because I was the onluy one with dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin.
As a child, Hayden also played in two TV soap operas before starting a successful film career. She has often had sporty roles, and the first played a cheerleader in the 2006 film Bring I On. All or Nothing.
After making films, Hayden was not planning to be a TV actress again, but when she saw the script of Heroes, she couldn-t resist. She loved the idea of having superpowers. The series was such a great combination of everything. It-s about powers, but it-s also a human story, she says.
At the beginning of the second season of Heroes, Claires family has moved to California, USA. Her father tells her to blend in and be ordinary. Claire meets a boy called West. At first she doesn-t realize it, but West has special powers too... Hayden is excited about the second season of Heroes. Claire has really evolved. She just really grew up. She learned to stand on her own and stick up for herself. She is matured and I hope that she will continue to do that.
Hayden loves doing stunts, and she loves the gory part of being Claire. I was really happy when I heard that my character was going to be involved in stunts... and fire, says Hayden. clare is constantly getting killed in very interesting, unique ways, and what-s mor fun than that_ Hmm, how am I going to die today_
Your three older sisters are all blonde, with blue eyes.
I was the ugly duckling. They used to call me prieta fea (the dark ugly one) because I was the onluy one with dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin.